Simon Burris
Senior Lecturer in Classics

- Ph.D. Classical Literature and Philology, Cornell University, 2004
- B.A. Classics with Honors, University of Texas at Austin, 1992
- Archaic Greek poetry, Pindar, papyrology
Research Interests
Dr. Burris’ interests are broad but center around poetry, especially Greek lyric. He is also a Faculty Fellow in Ancient Greek Literary Papyri at the Baylor Institute for Studies of Religion and serves as a Scholar-Mentor for the Green Scholars Initiative.
- “A New Join for Sappho’s ‘Kypris Poem’: P.GC. inv. 105 fr. 4 and P.Sapph.Obbink.” Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigrafik 201 (2017) 12-14.
- Review of Dithyramb in Context, Barbara Kowalzig and Peter Wilson, edd., in Classical Review 65.1 (April 2015) 16-18.
- with J. Fish and D. Obbink. “New fragments of Book 1 of Sappho.” Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigrafik 189 (2014) 1-28.
- with J. Fish. “Sappho 16.13-14 and a marginal annotation attributed in PSI 123 to Nicanor.” Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigrafik 189 (2014) 29-31.
- “Greco-Roman Religion.” Museum of the Bible, Bible curriculum, 2014.
- “Oxyrhynchus .” Museum of the Bible, Bible curriculum, 2014.
- Review of Sappho: A New Translation of the Complete Works, Diane Rayor and Andre Lardinois, in The Classical Journal (forthcoming).
- Review of Dithyramb in Context, Barbara Kowalzig and Peter Wilson, edd., in Classical Review 65.1 (April 2015) 16-18.
Recent Papers
- “Refrains in dithyramb.” CAMWS Southern Section, Fredericksburg, VA, 10 October 2014.
- “ἄυσεν vs. ἄνυσσεν at Pindar, Pythian 12.11: Does Perseus shout, or does he kill?” CAMWS, Iowa City, IA, 19 April 2013.
- “What does εὐκλεᾶ λαοσσόων μναστῆρ᾽ἀγώνων at Pythian 12.24 mean?” CAMWS, Baton Rouge, LA, 31 March 2012
- “Who was Polyphemus expecting at Odyssey 9.513-14?” CAMWS, Grand Rapids, MI, 7 April 2011.
- “Athletic success treated as objective erotic qualification in Pindar.” CAMWS Southern Section, Richmond, VA, 29 October 2010.
- “The Erginos myth at Pindar, Ol. 4.19-27.” CAMWS, Minneapolis, MN, 3 April 2009.
- “Learning by example: The role of Pytheas at Isthmian 5.59-61.” APA, Philadelphia, PA, 9 January 2009.
- “Where are the losers in Greek epinician poetry?” CAMWS, Tucson, AZ, 19 April 2008.
- “Victrix augebat Cynthia regnum: On Seneca’s astronomical dating at Apocolocyntosis 2.1.” CAMWS, Cincinnati, OH, 13 April 2007.
- “The eagle’s prey at Nemean 3.80-82.” APA, San Diego, CA, 7 January 2007.
- “Sore losers in Iliad 23, Pindar, and Bacchylides.” CAMWS Southern Section, Memphis, TN, 3 November 2006.
- “The paean in attack: A new category of functionality?” CAMWS, Gainesville, FL, 7 April 2006.
- “Bacchylides’ tongue as vehicle: Bacchylides 10.51f.” Presented at Corhali IX (Cornell-Harvard-Lille Colloquium on Greek Poetry), Lille, France, 28 May 1998.
- “What does μέλος ἑορτῆς ἥδιστον εὑρών mean at Frogs 399f.?” Presented at Corhali VIII, Princeton, NJ, 7 June 1997.
Work in Progress
In addition to his work on Pindar, Dr. Burris focuses on the production of edited texts and commentaries of various papyri from Green Collection, involving undergraduate researchers under aegis of Green Scholars Initiative