Secondary Majors in Classics, Greek, and Latin
The goal of this option is to create rich educational opportunities through innovative combination of fields. The “secondary major” offers students the option of studying two subjects from two different programs while earning a baccalaureate degree in the first major without the requirement of earning a second baccalaureate degree in the secondary major. This option allows a student from a one-degree program to earn a secondary major from a participating department within a different program by fulfilling the requirements set forth by that participating department but without requiring students to enroll in the additional courses that comprise that other program’s core curriculum. Through the secondary major option, upon graduation, a student earns one baccalaureate degree from Baylor (through the fulfillment of all requirements from the student's home college or school). Although that student will not be awarded a second degree, the student's transcript will reflect that he or she has earned a secondary major in that second area of study.
The secondary major is an excellent option for students who seek a rigorous and enriching complement to their education in the Hankamer School of Business, or the Schools of Engineering and Computer Science, Education, Music, and Social Work.
Secondary Major Requirements
Twenty-seven hours including the following:
A. GRK 2310 and 2320 or equivalent upper-level hours; LAT 2310 and 2320 or equivalent upper-level hours.
B. At least twelve hours of GRK or LAT courses at the “3000” or “4000” level.
C. Three additional hours of GRK, LAT or CLA courses.